I Am Enough

By Grace (17)

Not pretty enough. Not thin enough. Not smart enough. Not creative enough. Not talented enough.

No one really knew all the insecurities I had. I didn't really have a dad growing up and always thought I was never enough, not worth a lot. I believed being ‘good enough’ was for everyone else, but not really for me. I had a hard time wrapping my mind around this thing called ‘God’s love’. I had always heard about God’s love and His grace, because I grew up in church, but those things just never really… I couldn’t…I just didn’t get it.

When I turned 15, I turned to people in my church to help me through my hard times. That’s when the Lord really began to minister to my soul and do the intense healing within me that I needed. I get so excited when I talk about it now because this was the first time in my life that God began to show me what His love is really like. For the first time I began to understand His love, and what this grace is that I had always heard about. 

One thing I have learned is that in order to fight the lies in my mind of not being enough, I have to fill my mind with truth. Throughout life we have to discipline ourselves to read the truth in God’s Word and to fight. It’s so easy to sit down defeated and just let Satan beat us up, but man, there’s so much power in Christ’s name! I have learned the power of who Jesus Christ is, for myself. And I am still learning, every day. 

The truth is, I matter. I am adored and loved beyond measure. I am so deeply cared for and treasured. God chose specific talents and abilities for me. He has a specific purpose in mind for me and knows exactly what I need to fulfil this purpose.

I am not a mistake. I am a unique, on-purpose creation, designed to glorify God. God doesn’t need me, yet He chooses me.

Recently, I lost two friends to suicide. It breaks my heart that that there is so much pain in this world. But one thing I have learned is that great despair, pain, and loneliness doesn't need to end in death. There is hope - eternal hope in Jesus Christ.

You are not mistake. There are no ‘chipped seconds’ in God’s Kingdom. You are not defeated. In Christ, you are victorious. He has chosen you. You are here for a reason - no matter your race, colour, or gender.

I wish I could tell my whole story here, but let me simply promise you this: Nothing will make you feel ‘pretty enough’. No amount of money will make you ‘successful enough’. No praise will make you ‘worthy enough’. All of these things fail in time. I once bought into these lies, and I now know first-hand that God is the only thing that will never EVER fail you.

So, remember…

You are loved.

You are chosen by Him.

You are Daughter of the Most High King - Jesus. 

You are enough.

…Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

John 8:31,32 (NIV)

PROMPT: Using the beautiful words Grace shared in her story, declare these truths over your life:

I matter (Genesis 1:27; John 3:16). I am adored and loved beyond measure (Jeremiah 31:3; Romans 8:38,39). I am so deeply cared for and treasured (1 Peter 5:7). God chose specific talents and abilities for me (Romans12:6-8; 1 Peter 4:10). He has a specific purpose in mind for me and knows exactly what I need to fulfil this purpose (Ephesians 2:10; 2 Peter 1:3). I am not a mistake. I am a unique, on-purpose creation, designed to glorify God (Psalm 139:14-15; Isaiah 43:7). God doesn’t need me, yet He chooses me (John 15:16).

PRAYER: Father, I pray that you would set me free me from the lies that have shackled my life. I want to be a daughter who stands on the truth of Your Word. In Jesus name, I declare that I am not defeated. I have hope. I have a future. I am here for a reason. Break every chain that has held me back from becoming the woman of God you created me to be. May Your love and grace fill my life until it drowns out every fear and doubt. 


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