

Here is a collection of faith stories, written by girls and women just like you! Be encouraged as each one personally shares a little of their faith story. You might even feel prompted to share your own.

Relationships Alisha Renee Relationships Alisha Renee

Letting God Write My Love Story

by Alisha Renee

Like most teenage girls, I used to daydream about my future husband… I looked forward to the day when my love story would finally begin. Little did I know that ‘Chapter one’ would begin months before I first stared into the eyes of my husband-to-be.

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Encouragement, Identity Alisha Renee Encouragement, Identity Alisha Renee

Just Be

by Alisha Renee

God is not hard to please. He’s really not. When He breathed life into You, it’s because He wanted you here. He delights in You. Not because of what You do, but simply because You are His.

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Friendship Alisha Renee Friendship Alisha Renee

Just Be There

by Alisha Renee

I’m on my L plates when it comes to friendship. As someone who loves to achieve and excel, this is one area of my life where I feel like I’m still on training wheels. Thankfully, I’ve had some great teachers. These haven’t been wise senseis or fancy counselors, they’ve been my friends.

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Identity Alisha Renee Identity Alisha Renee

A Beautiful Exchange

by Tamsin (43)

I had no idea that I had been believing a lie for so long. And I didn’t realise how believing that lie was affecting my life in so many areas.

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By Teens, Giving Alisha Renee By Teens, Giving Alisha Renee


by Rachel (16)

I read books daily. I love reading books. I love the adventure a book takes me on to help me escape the horrible day I might be having. But I never knew that reading a book in 2017 would not only change my faith life, it would also impact the lives of others in my community.

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By Teens, Worry, Fear Alisha Renee By Teens, Worry, Fear Alisha Renee

Letting Go of Worry

by Emma (15)

I was asleep when the earth underneath me started to roar. My heart began to quiver. I jolted up, and a wail leaped from my throat. I didn’t even know what was happening. It felt like a dream, a nightmare. And I was terrified.

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By Teens, Identity Alisha Renee By Teens, Identity Alisha Renee

I Am Enough

by Grace (17)

No one really knew all the insecurities I had. I didn't really have a dad growing up and always thought I was never enough, not worth a lot. I believed being ‘good enough’ was for everyone else, but not really for me.

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Trust Alisha Renee Trust Alisha Renee

Cultivating Quiet

by Alisha Renee

Connection with the Father is cultivated in quiet. Only when the demands of the day are silenced by a deliberate choice to move them aside can our hearts lean in to listen…

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Encouragement Alisha Renee Encouragement Alisha Renee

From Hamster Wheel to Being Still

by Sharlene (48)

I needed to learn how to stop, live in the moment, and experience the peace that comes from embracing life for what it is, and allowing joy to infuse me. This is what God intended for us. I needed to stop taking on things that were never mine to take on.

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By Teens, Identity Alisha Renee By Teens, Identity Alisha Renee

The Power of Words

by Abbie (15)

‘You know that everyone actually hates you, right? No one likes you; they’re just nice to your face.’ A close friend said this to me, and for a long time words like these affected me.

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Hope, Grief Alisha Renee Hope, Grief Alisha Renee

The Way Everlasting

by Ruth (38)

…I have no recollection of the drive home from my beautiful sister’s wedding that day, as only four days earlier, the man I had intended to marry had been torn from my life in a tragic event which now shrouded my life in darkness and left me broken.

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Identity, For Mums Alisha Renee Identity, For Mums Alisha Renee

This is Me

by Alisha Renee

Sometimes I compare myself to people. More often though, my struggle is most intense when I compare myself to the person I think I should be. This ideal image of who I should be has taunted me for most of my life, and the area it has affected me most is in my role as a mum.

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Faith Alisha Renee Faith Alisha Renee

I Will Remember

by Alisha Renee

When I wonder where God is, I pick up a stone…These memorial stones are reminders of the ‘undeniably God’ moments in my life…So please, come sit with me, because I’d love to share some of my ‘undeniably God’ moments with you.

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By Teens, Identity Alisha Renee By Teens, Identity Alisha Renee

Taking off My Mask

by Heidi (15)

As a young teenage girl, I always struggled with self-image… I questioned if I would ever be good enough or ever live up to society's expectations of women. The fear of not being enough started to get to me. I was letting society shape me.

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Comfort, Grief Alisha Renee Comfort, Grief Alisha Renee


by Tamsin

I rode a rollercoaster of emotions. I was surprised to find out that I was pregnant with our third baby. Surprise, and a bit of shock, soon turned to excited expectation. Then, at 14 weeks into my pregnancy, the midwife couldn’t hear a heartbeat.

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By Teens, Connecting with God Alisha Renee By Teens, Connecting with God Alisha Renee

Big Moments

by Evee (13)

Having grown up in the church, I’ve heard many stories about ‘big moments’ where God worked incredible miracles, and people's lives were turned around. These stories are amazing! But for several years, I was waiting for God to perform an incredible miracle in my life.

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