My Faith Story

Submission Form



  • This submission is my own original writing and, except for Bible references, contains no text taken from another source. When using a quote within the context of my own story, I have accurately acknowledged the source.

  • In submitting my story, I agree to allow Alisha Renee and the Made to Thrive team to use all or part of my story in the publication of the My Faith Journey journals. I also give permission for all or part of my story to be posted on the Made to Thrive blog and/or to be emailed to subscribers of Made to Thrive.

  • I accept that submitting my writing does not guarantee it will be published, but that it will be considered for publication.

  • I understand that in submitting my story, I still retain the right to use and publish my story in other publications and on other platforms.

  • If accepted for publication, I give permission for my first name and age to be published with my story.