A Beautiful Exchange

By Tamsin (43)

I had no idea that I had been believing a lie for so long. And I didn’t realise how believing that lie was affecting my life in so many areas.

It wasn’t until my friends shared with me a message from Pastor Kelley Varner called The Man in the Mirror that I asked the Holy Spirit to show me what my false self-image was - the lie I had been believing that was contrary to what God says about me. As I prayed this, the thought dropped into my head and a cry came from my heart, why doesn’t anybody want to spend time with me? This seemed crazy, as I had a husband, friends, and family who I enjoyed spending time with. But the nagging thought in the back of my mind was that I wasn’t enough. Because of this, I easily felt rejected.

When we believe something about ourselves that is not in line with what God says about us, it is a damaging lie that will shut us down and prevent us from being all God made us to be. It can stop us from seeing who we truly are in the mirror of His Word – that we are His beloved children, made in His image.

So what was the key to deal with this false self-image? To repent. To say ‘Sorry’ to God for believing the lie that I wasn’t enough instead of believing what He says about me, and to ask Him for help to remain in His words of truth.

I can see how my life would have been so shut down if I had continued believing the lie that nobody wanted to spend time with me, as I actually really love spending time with people, and God has given me a gift of bringing people together and making connections wherever I go.

God has brought about a beautiful exchange in my life. From believing a lie to believing His truth. From a false identity to my true identity in Him. From being insecure to being secure in His loving arms. From being far away to drawing near. From being fearful to being bold, confident, and at peace.

He brings a ‘turn-around anointing’.

I am now a lot more aware of recognising lies when they try to shut me down. I know if I am hearing an accusing voice in my head that it is not my Father’s voice. His opinion of me and of you is always a good one! We are treasured and beloved, and we are a gift from God.

Who you are makes a difference. Don’t underestimate that. You are always enough.

PROMPT: The thoughts we have about ourselves hold so much power. Where do your thoughts come from? Do they come from comparing yourself with others? Do they come from what people have spoken over you? Do they come from a past experience? It’s time to align your thoughts with the truth of God’s Word. I encourage you to write a prayer of repentance and commitment. Release to the Father all the negative thoughts and lies you have believed. Ask Him to forgive you for believing these lies and to cleanse your mind from the impact of them. Ask Him to show you your true self, then commit to aligning your thoughts with the truth of His Word, and with who He says you are.



Just Be There

