
By Rachel (16)

I read books daily. I love reading books. I love the adventure a book takes me on to help me escape the horrible day I might be having. But I never knew that reading a book in 2017 would not only change my faith life, it would also impact the lives of others in my community.

As I opened the hard-covered book to read the blurb on the inner cover, just like I had done many times before, a bookmark of study notes fell out. I’m not sure if the person who had borrowed the book meant to leave them in there, but it got me thinking. What if, instead of a bookmark of study notes, I left a bookmark with scripture verses on it? That way, I can spread God’s Word to people who may not have heard it.

At the time, most of the books I read focused on caring for animals. In keeping with this theme, for my first bookmark, I drew a picture of an animal’s paw print on the front and wrote two scripture verses on the back. I chose Proverbs 12:10, NIrV, ‘Those who do what is right take good care of their animals. But the kindest acts of those who do wrong are mean.’  The second verse I chose was John 3:16, NIrV, ‘God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son. Anyone who believes in him will not die but will have eternal life.’

This turned out to be the first of many bookmarks.

In 2019, for some reason, I stopped making bookmarks. I still don’t know why. It wasn’t until the 2020 December holidays that I picked up my pencils again. I remember a whisper saying to me, ‘Bookmarks,’ repeatedly.

And so I started again.

At the time, I was reading The One Dollar Horse by Lauren St John, and I cannot believe how God tied my past with my present. The theme of the book was about caring for animals, so I used Proverbs 12:10 again. But this time, I did something different. Instead of simply having a picture on the front and two verses on the back, I also put down my thoughts about those verses, to give people something to reflect on. When I finished reading the book, I tucked the bookmark inside before returning it to the library, just as I had done before.

Right now, I am still making bookmarks, with God’s Word on the back and relevant pictures on the front. I’m not the best artist that God could’ve picked, but He had a purpose for me, and I was willing to let Him use me.

God uses us in ways that we may not think are possible. He used someone like me, who is just OK at Art, in a way that benefits others. What could He have in store for you, if you are open to it? I will most probably never see the impact of my bookmarks, but I trust and pray that God will use them for His glory. 

PROMPT:  Read 1 Peter 4:10. What do you enjoy doing? What gifts has the Father given you? How can you use what you enjoy doing to share about God and bless others?

PRAYER:  Father, everything I have has been given to me by You. Today, I offer You my gifts, my interests, and my time. Sometimes it doesn’t seem like much, and I know there are others who may be more qualified, but I give to You what I have. I pray that You will open doors of opportunities for me, and that I would see them. I ask for Holy Spirit-inspired ideas and the ability to faithfully fulfil what you are leading me to do. Bless the work of my hands. May what I do draw people closer to You. 


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