Big Moments

​By Evee (13)

I have been blessed to grow up in a Christian home with an amazing family. My dad is the pastor of our church, and my mum is an intern psychologist. Having grown up in the church, I’ve heard many stories about ‘big moments’ where God worked incredible miracles, and people's lives were turned around. These stories are amazing! But for several years, I was waiting for God to perform an incredible miracle in my life. Even though my faith had developed as I grew up, I felt that it wasn’t authentic or real because I hadn’t had one of those ‘big moments’. Somehow I convinced myself that I needed God to do some kind of outstanding thing in my life for me to have a true connection with Him. 


Recently, at a youth camp, I was talking with one of my leaders, who is also a close family friend. We both acknowledged that we had grown up in loving Christian homes and had heard stories of amazing miracles performed by God. And although these stories are great, I was receiving the wrong message. These stories made me think that it was necessary to have a similar experience in order to have authentic faith, like it was somehow a ticket to God’s love. 


This is not true. 


I came to the realisation that I have had a growing faith for most of my life; it just felt like it wasn’t complete. For the rest of camp, I reflected on my life and recalled all of the blessings and miracles God had performed. I remembered the time when I lost my phone at school and asked God to help me find it, and someone brought it to the school office. I could also see how He had been working in bigger ways too, like how well my grandpa is doing with fighting cancer, and the quality of life he is experiencing despite the cancer. 


God has performed many great things in my life. I just either hadn’t noticed them, or had taken them for granted, and typically not attributed them to God. I’m now learning to be more conscious of the ways God is moving in and around my life, especially in the smaller daily things that have often gone unnoticed. I’m trying to practise the words of Psalm 77:11-12 (NIV), where it says,

‘I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds.’


If you have seen God perform incredible miracles, then that’s great! It is amazing to see the ways God can move and change lives. But if you feel that something is missing from your faith, I urge you to reflect on all the ways you have seen God move – in the little everyday things through to the big, life-changing things. Both are valid and extremely valuable. It is so important to notice all the good things God does, and thank Him for them. 


PROMPT: Reflect on your journey so far. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring to mind the moments where God has been present and at work in your life. Note these down, and thank Him for them. 

PRAYER:  Father, I have heard so many stories of your miracle-working power. Help me to see where you have been weaving your love, goodness, and faithfulness into my own story.




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