Creative Joy

By Alice (24)

From a very young age, I’ve always loved clothes and aesthetics. I loved arranging the spaces around me and would redecorate my bedroom over and over until I was happy with how it felt, then go through the whole process again a few months later! How things looked made a big impact on me, and even if I couldn’t figure out what was wrong, I would want to rejig my outfit, bedroom furniture or the painting I was working on until it felt right to me. I enjoyed the process of making things and felt so much pride in that feeling of finishing something I’d made myself. This went from baking, to crafts, to learning how to sew and adapt my own clothes. I just really, really enjoyed creating! And once I got into sewing, that was it for me! I loved how much clothes could communicate. I could change from feeling sassy, to edgy, to sporty, to feminine just by wearing different outfits. I’d spend hours just imagining what I’d sew next, pushing the boundaries of what I knew and poring over fabric shops and books from the library. 

However, when it came to choosing what I wanted to do as a career, I felt so torn. I always considered sewing and fashion as my hobbies, and enough people had told me along the way that you shouldn’t make your hobby your job because you’ll end up getting sick of it. Also, what I knew of the fashion industry, from watching reality shows on TV, is that it was shallow, mean and catty. Surely this wasn’t the place that God would want me. I’d always enjoyed Science at school, so I just assumed this is what I’d pursue. Choosing a science-based career seemed like the ‘right’ option. It was more of a ‘real’ job, more academic. And surely if you could, then you should, right?

But my mum said two things to me which I’ve often reflected on since. Mum reminded me that our God is a creative God. He created the world - every part of it. He didn’t need to make it beautiful, but he did; to the extent that we are still discovering new details about plants, places and animals, even after living on earth for this long. Mum also said to me that it’s silly to have something you enjoy SO much, that God gifted you with, to just waste it by relegating it to the weekends. Why wouldn’t you want to do what you love every day? Working hard and enjoying what you do are not two separate entities at all! 

There is nothing better for a person than that he should eat and drink and find enjoyment in his toil. This also, I saw, is from the hand of God.

Ecclesiastes 2:24 (ESV)

It felt like a big risk at the time, and I took a long time over the decision, but I decided to study Fashion Design and have never looked back. I love my career! I’m employed as a Menswear Fashion Designer, and every day I get to work with fabrics, come up with ideas and create things. Sure there can be a shallow side, but there is also a thoughtful, compassionate and people-focussed side too - just like in any career. And I know with certainty that there is plenty of good I can do with God in the fashion industry. 

God made us unique, with different passions and interests, and we should celebrate these. Whether we find joy in words, maths equations, cooking, woodwork, conversation or travel, God gave us these gifts and talents to use and enjoy. He loves when we take wholesome joy in the things He has blessed us with, and creativity definitely comes under that category!


PROMPT: What do you love to do? What brings you joy or a sense of fulfilment? Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate areas of gifting that you may not have noticed. Journal what you discover.

PRAYER: Father, thank you that you are creative God, and that you love it when we find joy in what we do. I don’t want to get caught up in what the world says matters in this life. I want to be authentically ME and stay true to the interests, gifts and talents you have given me. Please guide my decisions, especially as I make choices about my career and life path. You know me better than I know myself. Reveal to me anything I’m not seeing right now. I pray that you will lead me to joy-filled, soul-refreshing and life-giving work.


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