

Here is a collection of faith stories, written by girls and women just like you! Be encouraged as each one personally shares a little of their faith story. You might even feel prompted to share your own.

Purpose Alisha Renee Purpose Alisha Renee

He Knows Me

by Alisha Renee

‘I’m never going to be a teacher.’

Famous last words. So how did I end up in a classroom when it was the last profession on earth I wanted to be in? Simple. My heavenly Father knows me, far better than I know myself.

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Purpose, Encouragement Alisha Renee Purpose, Encouragement Alisha Renee

Creative Joy

by Alice (24)

Whether we find joy in words, maths equations, cooking, woodwork, conversation or travel, God gave us these gifts and talents to use and enjoy. He loves when we take wholesome joy in the things He has blessed us with…

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