Surprised by Answered Prayer


By Hannah (27)

I grew up with bedtime prayers. It began with my parents leading the prayers, and slowly I learned to speak to God in my own time too. As I grew older, I started to doubt whether God really answered prayer. It was easy to look at the world and feel like maybe He only answered some. 

I remember being at youth group one evening, and my leader was talking about keeping a prayer journal. She encouraged us to write down all of our prayers and tick them off as they were answered. I thought it was a terrible idea! In my mind, it seemed like a good way to confirm, in cold hard facts, just how few of my prayers God was answering. There was no way I wanted that revealed to me. 

Sometime later, I began keeping a journal. It wasn’t to keep a record of my prayers but to write down verses I liked, or parts of sermons that stuck out to me. Gradually, I ended up writing down some of my prayers too, but I never thought about it in the tick- box kind of way. I was just writing down my thoughts. 

About a year later, I was reading back through my journal and realised that almost every prayer I recorded had been answered! At that moment, I had this sudden realisation that I had accidentally, and reluctantly, done just what my youth leader had suggested. 

I still keep a journal, and every time I read back through my notes and prayers, I am reminded of how faithful God is. Whether I needed a job, a friend, guidance in a tricky situation or encouragement, God delivered. I have discovered for myself that He always comes through, even if we don’t see it at the time or the answer isn’t exactly how we pictured it would be. 

‘Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.’  - Philippians 1:6 (NIV) 

 PROMPT: Consider keeping a prayer journal as a way of giving all of your worries, cares, concerns, and requests to God. Instead of worrying, write a prayer. Got a need? Note it down. God has invited us to come and pray to Him, so you can be assured that He hears you, every time. 

PRAYER: Father, I’m still learning to turn all of my worries into prayers. Help me to remember who I am and who You are. I am Your daughter, and I can come into Your presence any time. You are my Father, and You are also my God. You are strong and sovereign, powerful and kind. You are One who listens and One who answers. Your answer may be 'yes' or 'no'. It may be 'just wait' or 'just trust'. But of this I am certain, You answer. 


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