Taking Off the Headphones

By Zoe (17)

I am a huge procrastinator. Pointlessly scrolling through social media, binge watching Netflix, and baking way too much used to take up most of my time. Yet, even as I continually chose these activities over spending time with people or God, there was an ache in my heart that longed for change. I didn’t really give much thought to my future or the bigger things in life. I was living day by day, almost oblivious to anything outside of my bubble. It was as if I was wearing headphones that cancelled out everything else. This caused me to become detached and very self-focussed.

But this is not the way God calls His people to live.

We can’t be content living life by ourselves. We need to be fully connected with people and with Christ. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 12:2, ‘Together you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of that body’ (NCV; emphasis added).

I needed to balance my lifestyle.

So now, instead of blocking out my surroundings and falling back into old habits, I’ve been consciously trying to choose God’s way. I’ve started leaning into personal encounters and making genuine connections with people. I’m learning what it means to live together in community, and I’m learning to listen to God’s voice.

On the day I was baptised, I felt a real sense of community and connection that I didn’t realise I had. Everyone was gathered there, wanting to support me and be a part of my journey. I experienced an overwhelming sense of belonging. It was as though I had finally taken off my headphones and had become fully aware of my surroundings. I realised just how rich and full my life actually was, and had been all along.

Life has so much more meaning for me now that I am putting myself out there and taking chances with new experiences, instead of being stuck in the same place with the same routine. I am so excited to see what God has in store for my future, and He has already given me some direction, which includes moving out of home and travelling around our beautiful country.

When we take off our headphones, and live life aware of our surroundings, it becomes more possible to hear our Father’s voice leading and guiding us. Experiencing life afresh, and gaining a new perspective, paves the way for so many new and exciting opportunities. God wants us to notice the things that can easily be missed when we block out life by living with our headphones on.

PROMPT: A balanced life doesn’t just happen, it requires intentionality. How do you spend your time? Reflect on the activities that take up your time. What do you need to STOP doing, KEEP doing or START doing so that you can live life more fully? Journal your thoughts and use these to create a plan of action.

PRAYER: Father, I know that you have called me to live a full life; one where I am connected to You, connected to others, and connected to this beautiful world in which we live. Show me any area of my life that may be getting in the way of me living life in all its fullness. I pray that You will help me to take the next right step. When I wake up each morning, may I breathe in the beauty of the new day and live life fully aware of my surroundings.


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