‘Why God?’ Moments

By Sophie (19)

Have you ever had a ‘Why God?’ moment?

‘Why God?’ moments often occur when something has taken place in your life that has left you feeling confused. In my life, there is one specific ‘Why God?’ moment that stands out for me.

When I was 16, I was involved in two car accidents within six months. This was not at all what I had in mind for the beginning of my driving experience. After the second accident, I was super confused, and I was frustrated with God. I thought how could you let this terrible thing happen to me again? I really struggled to see how God could let me go through the mental, physical, and emotional struggle that came from going through a trauma like this…twice. I found it hard to believe that God had my best interests in mind in allowing that to happen. But, in looking back, one thing I can promise you is that He absolutely does.

It’s in times like these that we have to stay connected to God and His Word, and surround ourselves with a good network of support people. This was an area in which  I was super blessed. I had an amazing group praying for me, encouraging me, and supporting me in practical ways. They all helped me to work through that challenging time in my life, and they continue to do so.

We are not meant to walk through life alone. Whether it is good or bad, we are created to have people around us for support as we navigate the highs and lows of life.

‘No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you be pushed past your limit; he’ll always be there to help you come through it.’

1 Corinthians 10:13 (MSG)

This verse is such an encouragement for me because it reminds me that even if an obstacle in life seems too big for me to climb over, go around, or get through, God will never put me in a situation that I cannot handle. Instead, He will use these times to teach me and help me grow. And He places people around me to assist on the journey.

The same is true for all of us.

Whilst hard times are not something that anyone wants to face, it is often through these times that we grow. No, I would never want to go through another accident again, but I have seen more personal growth since that time than in any other time in my life. I have become more confident in my ability to face trials; I am undoubtedly more self-assured.

I want to encourage you to remember that God is faithful. He is there, ready to equip us with the tools and people we need to overcome whatever it is we might be experiencing, especially our ‘Why God?’ moments. 

PROMPT:  Is there a ‘Why God?’ moment that is weighing on you? 

PRAYER:  Father, I don’t always understand why life hurts so much sometimes. I don’t always understand why you don’t step in to prevent me from experiencing the pain life throws my way, especially when I know You can. Today, I let go of trying to understand what I may never understand, and instead turn my heart and mind to what I do know. I know You are good.  I know You are loving, and I know You are with me. I know that because of Your great love for me, I can always count on You to send helping hands to support me and shoulders I can lean on. These are beautiful gifts from Your hand. Thank you for them.


This is Me


I Will Remember