

Here is a collection of faith stories, written by girls and women just like you! Be encouraged as each one personally shares a little of their faith story. You might even feel prompted to share your own.

By Teens, Identity Alisha Renee By Teens, Identity Alisha Renee

Shake it Off

by Emilie (13)

I have always been the tallest girl in my class and sometimes even the tallest kid in my class. When I was younger, it didn’t bother me. Back then nobody really noticed what each other wore or how they looked. But now, people look. They notice and say things like, ‘Wow, you’re tall! How old are you? I bet you are the tallest in your class!'

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Identity, Beauty Alisha Renee Identity, Beauty Alisha Renee

Redefining Beauty

by Alisha Renee

When I was in high school, I hated looking in the mirror. No matter which way I turned, there was no escaping my freckles or my high waist—the two things I hated most about my appearance. I couldn’t do much about my high waist, but I could fix the freckle situation. Oh, how I longed for pure, flawless skin!

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