Becoming Stronger


By Becky (15)

Have you ever felt like your life is running smoothly, then BAM! Everything goes crazy and you feel out of place? When I was 14, my family moved from the Gold Coast to the Sunshine Coast after living in the same house for my entire childhood. It was hard. I struggled. I knew no one. I had loved my old school, and I had so many connections and family friends who surrounded me and supported me where I lived.

After we moved, I tried to start each day with determination, a broad smile, and a positive attitude, all in an attempt to hide the heaviness of feeling like I didn’t belong. As hard as I tried to be happy, by the end of the day I was exhausted from trying to fit in. My poor family (bless them) put up with all the anger, frustration, and loneliness that dug deep into my soul. This was a place where my family, despite their love and care, couldn’t help me. But it was in this same dark space where God met me. He began teaching and showing me things that I would have never learned if I continued living the comfortable life I had come from. 

Even though I felt completely overwhelmed, Philippians 4:13 (NLT) became my motto. God does not put us in situations we cannot handle, He strengthens us to overcome tough times. 

For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.’

When I was feeling like I wasn’t fitting in at school, I learned to slow down, stop, and pray. I learned how important it is to persevere through challenging times. I felt alone, but I wasn’t. Not for one second. I came to understand that Jesus was walking with me through my days.

God opened a door for my younger sister, Josie, and I to join Distance Education and do school at home. The first term was tough! I felt like I was doing everything wrong. I put a lot of pressure on myself to do well in my studies. However, as I slotted into a new way of doing school, God gave me peace, and I discovered that I really enjoyed doing school this way.

Even though I was enjoying Distance Education, I still had not found the ‘right’ group of friends in my area that I so desperately longed for. Again, God opened a door when I was invited to a youth camp. It turned out that these people were a gift from God, who would encourage me through my life and in my faith walk. Doing anything new is scary, but God blessed me when I took that courageous step. Everything happens in God’s timing.

If I had the ability to change the past and go back to my ‘old’ life, I wouldn’t, because I know that it was through these challenging times that God showed me how to persevere – not on my own, but with Him. It was so hard to see at the time, but my experiences have made me the person I am today. Although I am still learning, with God’s help, I am a stronger person. I have learned to look at the good in all things and to be kind first, no matter what challenges I face.

This is my story. We all have different struggles and dark places in life. What’s yours? Even though you may not see it now, there is a bigger picture that God is piecing together. God can meet you in these dark and lonely places. He can teach you things and show you how incredible His love for you is. Even if you feel alone, you are never alone! He is with us all at this very moment. Even while you are reading this! He wants you to be reminded that even though life can be tough, He is with you. You are so loved and precious to Him. 

 PROMPT: Whether you are wading through the waters of loneliness, battling unexpected change, or waging war against fear, there is no struggle so strong that Your Father can’t strengthen You to endure. Consider committing Philippians 4:13 to memory. Write it down, carry it with you, and speak it out often to remind you of where your strength comes from.


PRAYER: Father, trials don’t feel great. I don’t like feeling overwhelmed and out of my depth. I pray that you will help me to persevere. Teach me and help me grow through every challenge I face. As I choose to keep putting one foot in front of the other, ignite a fire in my soul that burns with a passion to persevere, no matter how hard it may seem. I trust that You are with me and that with every step I take, I am becoming stronger.


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