

Here is a collection of faith stories, written by girls and women just like you! Be encouraged as each one personally shares a little of their faith story. You might even feel prompted to share your own.

Comfort, Grief Alisha Renee Comfort, Grief Alisha Renee


by Tamsin

I rode a rollercoaster of emotions. I was surprised to find out that I was pregnant with our third baby. Surprise, and a bit of shock, soon turned to excited expectation. Then, at 14 weeks into my pregnancy, the midwife couldn’t hear a heartbeat.

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Comfort Alisha Renee Comfort Alisha Renee

Where is God When I Hurt?

by Alisha Renee

I had never known despair like I did that night as I lay flat on my face before God, pleading for Him to spare the life of a loved one who had expressed dark thoughts of taking their own. I was helpless. And I was a million miles away. At least it felt like it. Where was God in that moment when hope eluded me? Right there… with me.

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