He Never Lets Go

By Sarah (15)

As the oldest child in a Christian family, I always assumed that everyone was a Christian and had the same beliefs as me. Going to a Christian pre-school and attending a Christian school for my first six years confirmed that fact for me. However, after changing schools for the start of Year 7, I learned that this was not the case and that not everyone knew Jesus as their Saviour.

The new non-Christian school really pushed the boundaries of my faith. Suddenly, I knew people who weren’t Christians, and Christian Studies wasn’t taught the same way. It was weird. I had friends who weren’t Christian for the first time. This new way of life had me floating slowly away from God as I tried to fit in.

During this time, the youth group I was going to advertised ‘Snow Venture’. I had never tried skiing or snowboarding, so I thought I would go along and try it out. After the first day, however, we were leaving the mountain and got stuck sitting in the bus because it was snowing so much. This meant the end of skiing for the rest of our trip.

Even though I was disappointed, it didn’t completely spoil the trip for me because I really enjoyed the sermons given by some of the other church ministers who were there. They made me think about my faith in a new way and consider where my faith was at. At one point we were asked if we wanted to talk privately with our dorm leaders, so I did. Talking to these leaders firmed up my faith enough to be confident in who I am and helped me to see that I needn’t be ashamed of my relationship with God.

Being surrounded by like-minded people who loved God helped me find my way back to Him. That one ‘Snow Venture’ changed my life and my relationship with God because I made many connections with other Christians. It made me realise I wasn’t alone.

When I got back to school, I felt comfortable enough to invite some of my friends to youth group. We were able to go together and even though they weren’t Christians, they still enjoyed it. I still pray for my non-Christian friends, that God will speak into their hearts and minds.

Now, I am not ashamed. If someone asks, I tell them proudly that I am a Christian and that I trust God with my life.

One Bible verse that speaks to me is Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV):

‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

God will not give up on anyone. He places people in your life to help you find your way. He will always seek to draw you back to Himself because He loves you.

PROMPT: How is God calling to you?

PRAYER: Thank you, Father, that You are always faithful, even when I falter. I pray that when I am weak, You will help me be strong; when I feel lost, help me find the way; when I feel alone, guide me to people who will walk with me. I ask You to fill me with an inner peace and confidence. And when I stumble, I choose to trust in Your unfailing love that holds me close and lifts me up again.


Full of Hope


I am Yours